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Old 10-11-2009, 01:49 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
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was just having a good ol' chinwag with Warren from Party when JAMES AKENHEAD steps up ruefully from the table as the SECOND PLAYER OUT OF THE PARTYPOKER.COM WORLD OPEN V... all the money went in pre-flop with James holding AQ against Timoshenko’s pocket queens... the board ran KQ88J and James had to go...

Last edited by MatchroomPoker; 10-11-2009 at 03:29 PM.
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Old 10-11-2009, 02:10 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
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thats lunch folks - they been in the 3/6k level for I'd say about half a dozen hands...

Timoshenko 846k, Luke 516k, Muller 388k, Adams 244k, Ward 234k and Schafer 172k

Gonna have a wander and a chat and so forth and be back in a bit
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Old 10-11-2009, 03:23 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
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That was the biggest buffet EVER... I'm surprised the players don't need a lie down after scoffing down all that grub! Anyway, everyone has been fed and watered and the players are back - chatting to Phil Laak and Jesse and they've been mightily impressed with how Timoshenko has played - very aggressive although the deck has been kind to him. The online qualifiers - Schafer and Muller - have been pretty quiet but with the blinds now 3/6k, Schafer will be under pressure...

Last edited by MatchroomPoker; 10-11-2009 at 03:32 PM.
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Old 10-11-2009, 03:27 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
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Five days down here - 10ish starts, 11pm-ish finishes... how will everyone cope? Well, I was ordering a coffee from the Starbucks approximately 38 paces from the front door of the casino when a certain Jesse May appeared behind me... "can you believe how close this is?!" I would have told him there's another one round the corner but I think he would have exploded....
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Old 10-11-2009, 03:50 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
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ANDY WARD has fallen here...
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Old 10-11-2009, 04:06 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
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we've just moved into the 5/10k level... timoshenko 822k, luke 638k, muller 518k, schafer 228k and Adams 204k...

I'm going to keenly deduce that online qualifier Jorg Muller did for Andy Ward... not exactly rocket science that... Timoshenko still out in front and looking ultra-confident at the table... poor old Jason Adams is suffering from a bad cold and is feeling a bit rough...
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Old 10-11-2009, 04:24 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
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When you're short-stacked and not feeling well, you must fear the worst when you get 'em all in with the best of it... Adams picks up pocket nines and calls as Timoshenko sets him all in with AJ... the flop comes J6K to spell trouble... 6 on the turn, 10 on the river and JASON ADAMS IS THE FOURTH PLAYER OUT
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Old 10-11-2009, 04:26 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
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This is what happens when you cannae see anything... with that elimination Timoshenko has moved over the million mark in chips... and Luke is now the short stack...

Timoshenko 1,031k, Muller 518k, Schafer 466k and Luke 370k...
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Old 10-11-2009, 05:08 PM
Annette Channing Annette Channing is offline
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Originally Posted by AndyGreekfish View Post
Ians not busting with a-7 (2nd pair) in 1st level...must be a bit more to it.
Yeah, he had 78 :-). Akenhead v Timoshenko was AK v QQ, flop came KQx. I busted to Jorg squeezing AQs, he called with 99 and held. Going to be damn hard to beat Timoshenko here but everyone's playing well.
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Old 10-11-2009, 05:24 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
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The blinds are up to 7/15k... and Luke now has a slender chip lead... he moved all-in after the flop with K10 and was called by Timoshenko with KQ - there was already a ten on the flop and nothing higher than a pair of jacks came - Luke now has 736k, Timoshenko 695k, Muller 589k and Schafer 350k...
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