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Old 10-11-2009, 08:59 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
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Default PartyPoker.com World Open V - Heat Two

So, after a 187 hand opener, lets see what heat two has in store for us:

1 Remy Biechel
2 Phil Laak
3 Simon Zach
4 Patrick Funke
5 Andy Greekfish
6 JP Kelly
7 Wayne Obrien
8 Praz Banzi

First hand just being dealt now
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Old 10-11-2009, 09:01 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
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some people might consider it unfair that Phil gets to be railed by Jennifer Tilly in this... she's in action in heat three tomorrow...
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Old 10-11-2009, 09:34 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
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some people might consider it unfair that Phil gets to be railed by Jennifer Tilly in this... she's in action in heat three tomorrow...
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Old 10-11-2009, 09:37 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
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good evening and welcome to the phil laak show... when this goes out on TV (Sky Sports, next couple of weeks) the first hour will be alllllll Phil - he's chatting away, mainly with Praz - also saaying that for £20 he'll show his hand... probably made more than any of us tonight and we're not out of the first level! He's also chip leader with 348k at this early, early stage...
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Old 10-11-2009, 10:07 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
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i've got the walkie talkie stuff now - means I can't blog BUT i can here Mike Sexton and Jesse May - it's odd having had Jesse for a couple of years, and now he's not getting a word in! But when the pair of them are chatting together it's great stuff as is the action on the table - Simon Zach wins the prize for the biggest smile of the day, taking down a 185k pot with 72... there was a seven on the flop mind!
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Old 10-11-2009, 10:25 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
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Jen Tilly is onto the roulette now - bit of a shock for the sunday night gamblers... her man has just won a 150k pot - hitting two pair on the flop with K3 and calling Praz' bet on the river - those two have been great to watch tonight
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Old 10-11-2009, 10:40 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
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the last hand moved Phil Laak into a healthy lead... the turn made it K3610, laak bet with pocket threes, zach reraised holding a six to 75k - laak called an ace on the river was checked and laak took it down - end of the days play, they're back at 11am tomorrow...

laak 478, Greekfish 389, funke 311, obrien 267, biechel 253, Kelly 247, zach 247, praz 208

I'll be in the house (with more comfortable shoes!) at the same time!
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Old 10-12-2009, 10:25 AM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
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good morning everyone! we're back already... players have sent down and the game is underway... more very very soon, after I knock back a much needed Starbucks
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Old 10-12-2009, 12:30 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
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well the blinds are up and here are the chip counts as we go to 7/15k... Funke 548, Greekfish 461, Laak 424, Obrien 243, Praz 235, Kelly 217, Biechel 206 and Zach 44... BUT...

SIMON ZACH picked up pocket fives and moved all in, called by Kelly holding QJ and he hit a jack and sent Zach packing.
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Old 10-12-2009, 12:44 PM
BringOnTheTrumpets BringOnTheTrumpets is offline
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on way but feel like crap........
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