Old 11-17-2009, 04:05 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
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Default Durrrr Million Dollar Challenge - day one

Ok... so after starting on MatchroomPoker.com, it seems that everytime I put in an apostrophe - which is often - it adds a load of backslashes which is very annoying...

So I'm going to start on here and see how we go - here's the minimal updates from 2pm as a technical delay has held us up:

3pm: No news in not good news in this situation - not entirely sure what the hold up is but MM and Durrrr are in front of me in the rather lovely bar here just hanging around - when we kick-off again I shall let you know.

2.45pm: Well, we were having lil\' prop bets among ourselves as to how long this would take - unders might be the way to go as MM is already 60k down. 500/1000 blinds all the way through this - MM had 103 and Durrrr had 106 - raise and reraise and the flop came ten-high. They\\\'re on a short break at the moment for a technical issue - probably the last thing either player wanted after that start.

2.40pm: Such is life at these events that space is at a premium - Sammy George is in the room watching Durrrr and MM in action - but there\'s not a great deal of room in there for more than five people! Hopefully I can get into the OB truck outside and get some hands for you.

2.20pm: Play is about to get underway in the opening day of the Full Tilt Poker Durrrr Million Dollar Challenge at the Les Ambassadeurs casino in Mayfair. A slight change to the running order as Marcello Marigliano is now Tom Dwan’s first opponent and the duo will be playing No Limit Hold’em.
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Old 11-17-2009, 04:14 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
Matchroom Poker
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Here they go then - players are going back in.
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Old 11-17-2009, 04:29 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
Matchroom Poker
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Durrrr picks up a nice pot there.... queens for MM, durrrr with Jd10d - bet and called... flop comes Kd9d and a heart... Durrrr checks, MM bets and Durrrr calls... 3d on the turn, Durrrr bets, MM pops it up to 45k and Durrrr calls... 3s on the river is checked.
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Old 11-17-2009, 04:52 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
Matchroom Poker
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hooray! found a telly that I can watch some hands on - outside admittedly so it's gonna be a bit hectic but we'll try...

Durrrr has been on top but MM picked up Qh3h and bet 5.5k which Durrrr called with 7s5h... K34 with two hearts, MM's bet is called by Durrrr who hits 5s on the turn - that's checked... 9h on the river for MM's flush, he bets 26k and Durrrr pays him off...

Durrrr then wins a pot holding 88 with a bet on the river with MM having middle pair - that takes Durrrr to 29k profit - but when he raises the next hand with A4 he's reraised by MM with J2 and takes the pot
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Old 11-17-2009, 05:21 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
Matchroom Poker
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they're back to pretty much what they had at the start now...

MM picked up the ducks and raised 2.5k, called by Durrrr with A10... Q52 flop, Durrrr checked, MM bets 3.5k and Durrrr called.... J checked by Durrrrr, 8.5k from MM, reraise from Durrrr to 33k and MM fired 100k in and takes it down... 247k Durrrr, 253k MM.
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Old 11-17-2009, 05:40 PM
MatchroomPoker MatchroomPoker is offline
Matchroom Poker
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this game moves quicker than I can between the truck and my laptop - Durrrr is 46k up now, picks up pocket eights to call MM's raise with Qs4s... 8sAd10h flop, Durrrr bets 4k and MM calls... Kh... 11k from Durrrr, 35k raise from MM, Durrrr calls... 3c on the river is checked.
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